Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

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Interesting observation but where you say "no wire", that is because the primary is wound on a plastic former with side wall and your words "no wire" are on that plastic former. That is why you see no wires in the coil from that angle.

The transformer bolts hold down two Bakelite layers. One thick layer that is on the transformer core and another perforated layer that holds down the solder terminals. All that seems normal. From there you have two thin wires going into the coil indicating that the primary as we see it has thin wires wound so either the coil is a step down being used the right way, or it is a step up transformer used backwards. That is all normal.


Yesterday I have been trying my solid state relays (SSR) without getting the pulse to go through to the TK coil and load. And, I finally realized that I overlooked one small technicality with these SSRs. The ones I have are AC output. I had put them on my set-up at the FWBR output which is DC. So both SSRs blew with a nice popping sound. Well what else in new. I totally forgot I was pumping DC through the SSRs. So I went to my EE store and could only find two more AC SSRs.

So I tried them without the FWBR, directly onto the AC secondary and both switched both sides of the AC line going to the TKc and to load, but there was nothing special with normal wattage consumption.? I used my FG on the input side and the switches work to around 500Hz and after that the lights go off.

I then decided to pulse again with the FWBR installed but using a standard DPDT relay as a mechanical switch again with my FG. The relay works pulsing both the + and - sides to the load but at very low 8-10 Hz. When I increase it to 60 Hz then I have to play with the pulse width to extend the closed time but then, the relay contacts start heavily arcing and just fizzed to hell and stopped. hehehe One more carcass.

So, I really need to find some DC Solid State Relays.

But if I am to switch DC with SSRs, I will still have the same fizzing problem as I had with the relay. So I found some document on DC SSRs attached below. In this doc they recommend the use of freewheeling diode(s) or a zener and a diode. This points directly to the use of those two heat sinked components (HSC) as being diodes and not transistors. So I confirmed also that diodes and zeners are available in the TO3 format with impressive specs to handle good wattage.

Where TK mentioned the energy is recirculated, this could be the method with freewheeling diodes. Again simple.? Besides, the HSCs cannot be transistors pulsing DC into the TKc/Load as I have never seen two of these handle so much power. at least 500 watts. You would have a bank of 5 of these to do that. The HSCs have to be diodes.

I think I am very close. Maybe a mechanical relay with freewheeling diodes will work as well. But it is very noisy. Hmmmmmm.


Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre - OverUnity.com

are you speaking french ?

Does this sound like French to you? Are you speaking Greek?

I asked this before and to my knowledge not one answered. What the abbreviation "FWBR " stands for?



So now you are posting copyrighted material without even crediting the author or publisher?

The page posted as an image is Page 60 (ETA: Actually page 80, my glasses are dirty, sorry) from the Radio Shack publication called "Getting Started In Electronics" by Forrest M. Mims III
It's a book that contains a lot of information that some people seem to have missed, so it's great that you posted it. But please..... give credit where it is due. Mims and his books have been instrumental in teaching three generations of experimenters the basics of electronic circuitry.
You may also be interested in another of Mims's books, called? Engineer's Notebook: A Handbook of Integrated Circuit Applications (copyright 1979 by Radio Shack Corporation, all rights reserved.)


I asked this before and to my knowledge not one answered. What the abbreviation "FWBR " stands for?


Full Wave Bridge Rectifier. Four diodes in a diamond configuration, with AC input and DC output.
So now you are posting copyrighted material without even crediting the author or publisher?

The page posted as an image is Page 60 from the Radio Shack publication called "Getting Started In Electronics" by Forrest M. Mims III
It's a book that contains a lot of information that some people seem to have missed, so it's great that you posted it. But please..... give credit where it is due. Mims and his books have been instrumental in teaching three generations of experimenters the basics of electronic circuitry.
You may also be interested in another of Mims's books, called? Engineer's Notebook: A Handbook of Integrated Circuit Applications (copyright 1979 by Radio Shack Corporation, all rights reserved.)



Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre - OverUnity.com

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre - OverUnity.com

no it is not fissile isotopes
he is saying << appauvri en oxygene >>? ( copper depleted of oxygen )
i am sorry but i don't know what it is ( and if it is serious ! )

Oxygen-depleted copper is used in applications where high purity is desired, like gaskets in high-vacuum systems. It is also sold on the consumer market as high-end speaker wiring for audiophile systems because it is supposed to be "lower in distortion" than ordinary wiring copper. However, I think that double-blind audio testing has failed to reveal any detectable difference between O-depleted copper and ordinary copper in that application. At any rate, you can buy (allegedly) Oxygen-depleted copper wire from speaker wire suppliers, and you can buy genuine O-depleted copper rings and sheet from high-vacuum system suppliers.

@Itsu: Just out of curiousity, did you try to serially connect both coils but in bucking configuration?

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre - OverUnity.com

@Wattsup: if you put an appropriately sized capacitor across the mechanical relay contacts it will reduce arcing and make them last longer. I don't know what this will do to the rest of the circuit though.

It's interesting that some old nanosecond pulsers use a mercury wetted reed switch to make the pulses.
Tektronix 109 for example.
Another type, using tunnel diodes, is the HP213B. Both of these are available fairly cheaply on the surplus market.
The 213B has 0.1 ns risetime.

? Last Edit: Today at 08:00:52 PM by FreeEnergyInfo ?

@Itsu: Just out of curiousity, did you try to serially connect both coils but in bucking configuration?

Hi Xeno,? no not yet, i will try severall configurations with them, also with coils inside of them.

Regards Itsu

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre - OverUnity.com

The transformer bolts hold down two Bakelite layers. One thick layer that is on the transformer core and another perforated layer that holds down the solder terminals. All that seems normal.
It seems normal. But if TK had cut the primary wires we would never know.
It's a book that contains a lot of information that some people seem to have missed, so it's great that you posted it.
The page describing the Free Energy is missing. That's the main information that some people seem to have missed (for the last 100 years or so). :(

A little citation (of what some people might have missed):

?Our conversation begins with a demonstration of the device. Arkady network includes simple circuit consisting of a large bulb and a counter that shows how much energy the light takes from the network (500 W). Then in the chain adds Arkady another link - he invented tuned amplifier. What is changing? Lamp burns as brightly, but the counter were much lower - on the scoreboard to 42 W.

- Device power consumption increases by several times, with no need for additional energy sources. It is based on - some of the physical processes, including the resonance phenomenon, by which I was able to transform into the active, reactive energy - says Arkady.

His invention is interested in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Of the device seen and local representatives of the scientific world, business, and industry. Most of the reaction is as follows: "it should not be, something is not right!"

The fact that the resonance amplifier Stepanova violates one of the basic tenets of physics - the law of conservation of energy, which (in simple terms) is: the number of received energy is equal to the amount of energy allocated. Just like that, out of nowhere, the energy is not taken. The idea of ??"perpetual motion" professors and academics have long locked in the closet of pseudoscience. Get her out were unable to either Japanese artist Kohei Minato, who invented the magnetic motor that surprised the whole world (48 patents in various countries, including Russia), or a self-taught inventor Georgian Tariel Kapanadze, who constructed without fuel generator. Interestingly, both are far from the inventor of electrical engineering. Minato - musician, Kapanadze - architect. Perhaps they did not press the cargo laws described in physics textbooks, and they were bolder in their endeavors. ?

And here are the credits:

Perpetual motion is real?

So at first it is a simple circuit that consists only of an AC power source a 500 watt light bulb and an ammeter. Then he connects an additional element to that circuit. This element is a tuned amplifier with a resonance phenomenon. It is connected in series (in the chain) with the other elements (two pins, one in and one out, as I understand this). Now, what element could this be that reduces the power consumption of the light bulb from 500 watt to 42 watt with two pins? ::)

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