Saturday, November 24, 2012

Becoming Comfortable with Your Public Speaking - Washington, DC ...

Speaking in front of a small group or a large audience can instill fear in most people. In fact one of the things most Americans fear most is public speaking.

While speaking publicly can be a daunting proposition for most people, there are a few basic principles and steps anyone can use to get over the fear and speak effectively.

Here are a few keys to becoming an effective public speaker:

1). Have a Clear and Simple Message--Decide the main point you want to express to your audience.

2). Organize Your Thoughts--Develop a simple three-step organizational plan for your talk.

3) Practice, Practice, Practice--Do not leave your public speaking to chance. Rehearse what you want to say, and how you are going to say it.

4) Talk to People, Not a Group--It is much easier to talk to one person at a time in a group, than it is to talk to an audience.

5) Prepare Some More--You can never have too much preparation.

There is more to speaking effectively, but a good presentation starts with these five basic steps.

Stay tuned for more tips.

Prof. H.


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