Thursday, November 22, 2012

5 Open RPs Needing Characters!

The End Is Near : When a solar flare causes the world's technology to fail, 6 friends must ban together to survive. But when the stress and fear get to them, can the friends stay together or will they fall apart?
-Needs 3 boys
-Link : roleplay/th-end-is-near/

We Are Not Puppets : Kids With Talents Join Together To Prove They Are More Than Puppets.
-Needs 6 girls, 7 boys
-Link : roleplay/we-are-not-puppets/

Is It Worth It? : When a young girl is outcasted and bullied to the point of questiong suicide, can her last friend and her remaining family keep her from letting go?
-Needs 3 boys, possible npc 2 girls
-Link : roleplay/is-it-worth-it/

Teen Parents Association : When you have a kid, but need to make a life for youself, you can come here for help. We are TPA.
-Needs 4 boys, 1 girl
-Link : roleplay/teen-parents-association/

Unconditional Impossible Love : When a vampire prince and an angel princess fall for each other, will the world collapse or will the kingdoms live in harmony?
-Needs 6 boys, 3 girls
-Link : roleplay/unconditional-impossible-love/

Any questions about the rp or characters needed, post here, pm me, or post in ooc of rp interested in. Thanks :)


the misfits hook troy miracle andy whitfield kennedy demi moore

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