Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Linhart PR | Social Business ? How Far Are You Behind?

avatar Posted in Blog, Our Business by Dawn Doty on 04-03-12

This is a smart post from Forrester Research analyst Rob Koplowitz today. In advance of a speaking engagement his firm is doing in May, he poses a question he often gets from clients: ?How far are we behind? in regards to social business, and he shares some insights from recently conducted research.

As PR firm leaders often working with branding and communication executives, we often get the same question. I particularly like the quote Koplowitz tells CIOs to tell their CEOs. It?s relevant to what I think our clients need to say to their CEOs, too, when they get asked how to figure out social business and collaboration. The response should be: ?That?s not my job, that?s our job. As in all of our jobs.?

It?s true. Today?s consumer is social and mobile. They are growing ever more device neutral and accustomed to getting information where, when and how they need it. Consumers expect companies to have figured this out by now.

What I think Koplowitz missed in his post today though is really important. He points to several disciplines within organizations that need to be involved in transforming organizations into social businesses. He lists:

  • Human resources (HR) professionals protect employee privacy.
  • Legal looks after security, compliance, and intellectual capital.
  • Librarians and records managers provide guidance to avoid content chaos.
  • Community leaders put effort into managing the knowledge.

What I believe he misses is branding/communication professionals. These are an organization?s experts who understand how best to engage with consumers with relevant and credible information. These professionals? insights and talents can help turn companies and brands into trusted and respected companies and brands.

In addition to attending Koplowitz?s session in Vegas, people interested in this topic should supplement it with reading Smart Business, Social Business as well. The book?s author, Michael Brito, does an excellent job of outlining how a company can evolve into a social business.

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