Sunday, April 1, 2012

66 Year Old Fitness Fan Comments on Senior Health and Fitness ...

Researchers have indicated that the potential beneficial effects of resveratrol can include several anti-aging capabilities, heart health protection and anti-cancer properties. The possible, though not fully proven, benefits of resveratrol to human health and longevity is amazing. Although research into the extent of these benefits is still ongoing, many people have discovered and experienced the benefits already.

One piece of good news is that resveratrol is found in red wine. However, if you do not want to get it that way, there are many resveratrol supplements available as well such as Vivix? Liquid Dietary Supplement from Shaklee and Resveratrol Select, just to name two.

The author of the following article also offers such a supplement.


What Is Resveratrol and What Are the Benefits of Taking a Resveratrol Supplement
By Stewart L Johnson

Resveratrol is a phenolic compound and a phytoalexin. Phytoalexin is a chemical substance that is produced by several plants in response to a fungal infection. Alexin is a greek word that means to ward off something. As such, certain plants produce resveratrol to protect it from fungal attacks.

Resveratrol's protective-like properties in plants can also provide protective properties for humans. Resveratrol is found in the skins of grapes. Resveratrol is also found in significant quantities in the roots and stems of the polygonium cuspidatum plant or the common name of Japanese Knotweed. Since grape skins are used in making wine, resveratrol is found in wine, especially red wine. This fact led researchers who have performed resveratrol studies to suggest the presence of resveratrol in red wine could explain the French Paradox. The French Paradox is a phenomenon that people in France drink wine with their meals and generally consumes a diet high in saturated fats but suffer less cases of coronary heart disease.

Resveratrol is found in the skins of grapes, especially red grapes. Resveratrol is also found in significant quantities in the roots and stems of the polygonium cuspidatum plant or Japanese Knotweed. The roots and stems of the Japanese Knotweed are dried and used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for circulatory benefits.

Most of the resveratrol supplements sold in the United States contain an extract from the polygonium cuspidatum plant. The potential benefits of resveratrol to human health and longevity is amazing.
Researchers have studied and continue to study the potential beneficial effects of resveratrol on laboratory animals and how it may apply to humans. The resveratrol benefits studied include anti-aging capabilities, heart protective and anti-cancer properties.

For the anti-aging potential, resveratrol has been shown to activate a cell's survival mechanism. This activation allows a cell a longer time to repair its DNA and promotes longevity. As a strong antioxidant, resveratrol will neutralize free radicals running around in the bloodstream. Free radicals are very unstable molecules created that will damage healthy cells and DNA in the body. By eliminating free radicals, resveratrol will slow age progression in humans.

Resveratrol's anti-oxidant properties also have the potential to protect the heart by lowering low-density lipoproteins or (LDL) in the body's bloodstream.

Resveratrol has also been reported to prevent the growth of several types of cancers. In fact, resveratrol has been shown to selectively target cancerous cells, so that they can be killed more effectively during radiation therapy. The list of cancers most often mentioned in studies includes prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer.

Though research into the benefits of resveratrol is still in the early stages, many people have discovered and experienced the benefits already. Many studies are still being performed to confirm the health benefits of resveratrol. It will take some time to complete all of the studies and understand the conclusions. However, the number of potential benefits of resveratrol is astounding.

Want more information regarding resveratrol benefits? Go to this page. Here, you can find additional product information on resveratrol.

Article Source: What Is Resveratrol and What Are the Benefits of Taking a Resveratrol Supplement

Labels: anti-aging, resveratrol, shaklee

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