Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Search for Betterment | Articles Tunnel

There are probably a million references on the internet that tell people how to direct themselves towards self improvement and motivation. There are hundreds of books on the same topic as well. Well, this article might not be too different from any of those references, but it might give a slightly different perception on the subject matter.

Though many popular techniques and advices may prove to be useful for many people, they are not satisfying to the heart and after the person has achieved everything there is emptiness inside that person. Still we are all looking for ways to improve ourselves and through that we hope to improve our lives and the things we do. Well self improvement is basically the improvement of three things; physical wellness, mental efficiency and improved behavior with others.

When a person behaves good with his/her peers he/she starts feeling good because of an unconditional ?giving? feeling that is born inside. This feeling results in the person giving more effort to work as well as play and thus overall the mental and physical health of that person improves. Also, because of good communication with peers, the person starts getting encouragement and support from everyone around him/her and that gives the person even more motivation to work harder and be an even better person.

On the contrary, if that person is concentrating on achieving his/her goals by being selfish and mean to everyone around, he/she will not have any social circle and a sense of guilt and loneliness will prevent that person from actually making any positive progress.

Positive motivation can come from revealing envious feelings to a person performing better. This makes the superior performer feel good and lets the revealer feel highly relieved about the guilty feeling. This also makes the superior performer lend a guiding hand to the admitter. In this way a negative emotion can be converted into a productive utility because this way the superior performer will start to like the admitter and the admitter will turn from an envy-driven person to a motivated admirer.

Want to find out more about Self Improvement, then visit Jamu Martin?s site on how to choose the best Improve Yourself for your needs.


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