Friday, February 17, 2012

Abortion lobbyists fight breast cancer undisputed risk info ? Kansans ...

Breast Cancer Prevention Institute head, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, talked to student nurses Feb.7 at Benedictine College

Abortion supporters have grossly mischaracterized the provisions of the Pro-Life Protections Act, HB 2598, and, as expected, the Wichita Eagle blindly editorialized it as a measure that ?defies mainstream science?.

One of the purposes of HB 2598 is to codify basic elements of the informed consent pamphlet, so it cannot become a political football as it had been in the Sebelius administration. HB 2598 says that the booklet,
?shall also contain objective information? including risk of premature birth in future pregnancies, [and] risk of breast cancer????

Anti-life opponents try to frighten legislators that the national medical advocacy groups do not acknowledge the abortion-breast cancer link, but KDHE has already recognized their duty to inform women about it.

Two full paragraphs about abortion links to pre-term birth and breast cancer are ALREADY published here on page 24 of the online version of the Kansas Woman?s Right to Know pamphlet. The pre-term info is acccurate and the breast cancer section still needs tweaking to more clearly convey these relevant biological facts.

FACT: Most women who have abortions will not get breast cancer, and most women with breast cancer did not have abortions.

However, in the last 40 years during which time abortion and the hormonal contraceptives came into frequent use, the national figures show a 400% increase in breast cancer ?in situ?. (This is breast cancer that is treated by radiation and removal of all, or part, of the breast). The statistical risk of getting breast cancer in a woman?s lifetime has risen during that time from ?1 in 12? to ?1 in 7?.

FACT: For over fifty years, it has been known that the first full term birth affords a woman lifetime risk reduction for breast cancer.

WHAT CANNOT BE DENIED by mainstream medical groups:

  • A woman?s breast cells increase dramatically in every pregnancy.
  • Breast cells that make milk (at full term birth)? become cancer-resistant.
  • Abortion denies a woman the breast-cancer risk-reduction of a full term birth.
  • Abortion is an immutable risk for future pre-term birth, which denies the woman the breast-cancer risk-reduction of a full term birth.
  • The risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer increases 5 % for each year pregnancy is delayed after age 20.

Note: A naturally-occurring miscarriage in the first trimester is mostly produced by a lack of estrogen, the hormone that makes cells increase, and thus does not increase breast cancer risk beyond that of a woman who has never become pregnant.

What abortion supporters claim is disputed is the?independent effect of induced abortion itself on breast cancer ? although such a link is consistently confirmed by world-wide studies and National Cancer institute researchers.

HB 2598 is not pushing any medically-inaccurate facts, but only undisputed facts not promoted by the federal health bureaucracy which has been corrupted by the abortion industry. (Remember, this is the same bureaucracy which has not ever done even one study on the physical or mental effects of abortion on women?s health!)

Contact your state representative to insist that women ?who are already pregnant ?deserve to know the truth about the health protection they will lose with an abortion.

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