Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Legendary Customer Service | Business44.Com - Business Site

I was in a restaurant this past week dining with a friend. It was a sit down restaurant but yet very inexpensive and sort of a quick in and out type of diner. The waitress knows of us as frequent customers. My friend got up to take an important phone call and stood just outside the front doors of the establishment to have the conversation. The waitress noticed him away from the table for a period of time and came to get his plate of half eaten food to put it back under the heat light to stay warm during his short phone call. I was very impressed. This was not rocket science and more than likely not an idea she pioneered. However, she didn?t have to do it either. I was sure to let the manager know and I bet I tell the story several more times over the next year. That is great customer service!

How is your business from a customer service perspective? How much time do you spend learning more about the topic. How much time do you spend with your employees encouraging ?Legendary Customer Service?? It can make a huge difference in your bottom line if you spend some time learning to grow and improve in this area. Study after study shows that it?s significantly less expensive to keep a customer by treating them great than it is to market for a new one. This is true even if you have to spend money on great customer service practices.

I remember working at Publix Supermarkets while in high school. The assistant manager was named Mr. Still. I don?t know if he knew it but I considered him a mentor. I overheard him one time on the phone with an unsatisfied customer. After inquiring about the details after he got off the phone I learned about the complaint. The customer bought a container of cottage cheese. When she got it home she realized it had a crack in it and it leaked out, made a mess and was not good to eat. She called into the store more so as a courtesy to let them know to check the shelf for potentially more damaged product. Mr. Still thanked the lady and got off the phone. He met with some of the cashiers asking to look at their checks recently taken in at the register. When he found her check he matched the product up with a fresh one off the shelf and took it to her house. He knew where she lived from the address on the check. THAT?S CUSTOMER SERVICE! How many people do you think she told? How many times do you think I?ve told that story? Where do you think she buys ALL of her groceries today?

I refer to the above kind of stories as The WOW Factor. I strive day in and day out to deliver ?Legendary Customer Service? to my clients. As a financial advisor and insurance broker I have different obstacles and opportunities from other industries but there?s always a way to make the customer feel like you genuinely care for them. In fact, it?s quite easy and usually free or very inexpensive. I challenge you to take some time to improve in this area. To learn more about inspiring your people and ideas for customer service check out the book The Disney Way. Have a wonderful year?I wish you the very best.

Filed Under: Customer Service

Tags: Business ? Customer Service ? CustomerService

Source: http://business44.com/2012/02/legendary-customer-service/

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