Saturday, March 10, 2012

Online Marketing: What does customer service communicate about ...

Carrie Greene, the Carrie Thru coach, recently wrote a blog post about customer service. She provided several examples. For instance, at one point she went to a doctor for a physical after making the appointment two months earlier. The doctor said she needed a new appointment: apparently their system defined ?check-up? differently from ?physical,? and no one had alerted Carrie when she called.

Doctors get away with these things. Hair salons don?t, which is why they always ask if your color is one-process, two-process or highlights.

A surprising number of ?big name? marketers do not train their VAs in customer service and they are so insulated they don?t realize what is happening.

Once I wanted to advertise in someone?s ezine at the special rate but I had a question; several weeks later, a VA wrote back, saying, ?Well, I guess I didn?t get around to you and the special is over??

Another time I got a message ?Congratulations! You have made an affiliate sale!? The VA wrote back, ?Oh, we don?t give commission on that product. I?m sure you will understand that it?s a private sale.?

Well, no, I don?t. If you?re bragging about earning a gazillion dollars and you?ve got VA?s running around like mice, you can remember to uncheck the box for ?Pay affiliate commission.? And if you don?t forget, you can send a compensatory gift ? a small gift certificate for Amazon, for instance.

I wrote an ebook on customer service and it?s still available at a bargain price till I remember to fix it:


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