Tuesday, January 17, 2012

North Dakota Ad Might Be Racy, but it is Also a Success (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | The Associated Press is reporting an advertisement promoting tourism in North Dakota has come under fire for being too racy. As the article notes, the ad features two guys and three girls flirting through a window through a hotel bar. The Valley View News is even reporting the tagline -- "Drinks, Dinner, Decisions. Arrive a guest. Leave a legend." -- attracted a lot of negative attention on social media site Facebook. Of course, in a twist the ad actually worked.

Even though WDAY News is reporting the ad could be sending the wrong message, the point is that a message is being sent. When it comes to promotion, generally the more outlandish the better. Would Lady Gaga be as popular without the clothes and the attitude? A little controversy goes a long way, and can really stretch advertising dollars.

According the AP report the ad has been removed from the website, but there can be little doubt folks around the U.S. are talking about tourism in North Dakota. Sure, the tagline is a little suggestive, but it is not like this was the first time sex was used to sell something. The advertising agency that created it should be commended, because the message was delivered. Really, the ad could not have performed any better if it was scripted.

The bottom line is that successful advertising gets people talking. Once that talking turns into clicking and researching, the effectiveness of any particular campaign is increased dramatically. All the uproar means is that folks actually took the time to find the ad, which means the ad worked. In this particular case, the flirty photo with a suggestive tagline gets people thinking and maybe even dreaming, about what is up to the individual person. If nothing else, North Dakota looks a lot more fun than it did last week.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/oped/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20120117/cm_ac/10843659_north_dakota_ad_might_be_racy_but_it_is_also_a_success

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