Monday, January 2, 2012

Israel: Haredi demonstration sees use of Holocaust symbols, denounced

Demonstration causes uproar following the use of men, children in Holocaust-reminiscent striped pajamas with yellow patches

Hundreds of Haredim demonstrated against the ?Zionist assault? following the recent civil uproar over incidents of segregation.

Demonstrators Under Fire over Holocaust Symbols

The latest Haredi protest in Jerusalem has caused a stir after kids participating in the demonstration were seen wearing yellow patches and striped pajamas like those Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust.

Avner Shalev, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate said in response: ?I condemn the use of Holocaust symbols in a protest of any kind. This is reprehensible. The Holocaust is nothing like what goes on in Israel. ?

Shortly after the demonstration, Shas? spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef commented on violent acts by haredim in connection to women?s exclusion and said, ?There are people who do things which our Torah forbids and they must be condemned.?

He said that the Torah advocates peaceful behavior and not violence. Speaking in his weekly class, he said: ?We do not hate seculars. On the contrary ? we love them.?

Opposition Chairwoman Tzipi Livni also commented on the protest on her Facebook page. ?There is no protest in the world that can justify this. Even within the debate we are holding there are boundaries that cannot be crossed. I hope that haredi leaders will condemn these acts.?

Just when you wonder how far low some people will go, they reach rock bottom, then pull out a shovel and start digging?.


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